Source code for pymunk.collision_handler

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Optional

    from .space import Space

from ._chipmunk_cffi import ffi, lib
from .arbiter import Arbiter

_CollisionCallbackBool = Callable[[Arbiter, "Space", Any], bool]
_CollisionCallbackNoReturn = Callable[[Arbiter, "Space", Any], None]

[docs] class CollisionHandler(object): """A collision handler is a set of 4 function callbacks for the different collision events that Pymunk recognizes. Collision callbacks are closely associated with Arbiter objects. You should familiarize yourself with those as well. Note #1: Shapes tagged as sensors (Shape.sensor == true) never generate collisions that get processed, so collisions between sensors shapes and other shapes will never call the post_solve() callback. They still generate begin(), and separate() callbacks, and the pre_solve() callback is also called every frame even though there is no collision response. Note #2: pre_solve() callbacks are called before the sleeping algorithm runs. If an object falls asleep, its post_solve() callback won't be called until it's re-awoken. """
[docs] def __init__(self, _handler: Any, space: "Space") -> None: """Initialize a CollisionHandler object from the Chipmunk equivalent struct and the Space. .. note:: You should never need to create an instance of this class directly. """ self._userData = ffi.new_handle(self) self._handler = _handler self._handler.userData = self._userData self._space = space self._begin: Optional[_CollisionCallbackBool] = None self._pre_solve: Optional[_CollisionCallbackBool] = None self._post_solve: Optional[_CollisionCallbackNoReturn] = None self._separate: Optional[_CollisionCallbackNoReturn] = None self._data: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
def _reset(self) -> None: def allways_collide(arb: Arbiter, space: "Space", data: Any) -> bool: return True def do_nothing(arb: Arbiter, space: "Space", data: Any) -> None: return self.begin = allways_collide self.pre_solve = allways_collide self.post_solve = do_nothing self.separate = do_nothing @property def data(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """Data property that get passed on into the callbacks. data is a dictionary and you can not replace it, only fill it with data. Usefull if the callback needs some extra data to perform its function. """ return self._data def _set_begin(self, func: Callable[[Arbiter, "Space", Any], bool]) -> None: self._begin = func self._handler.beginFunc = lib.ext_cpCollisionBeginFunc def _get_begin(self) -> Optional[_CollisionCallbackBool]: return self._begin begin = property( _get_begin, _set_begin, doc="""Two shapes just started touching for the first time this step. ``func(arbiter, space, data) -> bool`` Return true from the callback to process the collision normally or false to cause pymunk to ignore the collision entirely. If you return false, the `pre_solve` and `post_solve` callbacks will never be run, but you will still recieve a separate event when the shapes stop overlapping. """, ) def _set_pre_solve(self, func: _CollisionCallbackBool) -> None: self._pre_solve = func self._handler.preSolveFunc = lib.ext_cpCollisionPreSolveFunc def _get_pre_solve(self) -> Optional[Callable[[Arbiter, "Space", Any], bool]]: return self._pre_solve pre_solve = property( _get_pre_solve, _set_pre_solve, doc="""Two shapes are touching during this step. ``func(arbiter, space, data) -> bool`` Return false from the callback to make pymunk ignore the collision this step or true to process it normally. Additionally, you may override collision values using Arbiter.friction, Arbiter.elasticity or Arbiter.surfaceVelocity to provide custom friction, elasticity, or surface velocity values. See Arbiter for more info. """, ) def _set_post_solve(self, func: _CollisionCallbackNoReturn) -> None: self._post_solve = func self._handler.postSolveFunc = lib.ext_cpCollisionPostSolveFunc def _get_post_solve(self) -> Optional[_CollisionCallbackNoReturn]: return self._post_solve post_solve = property( _get_post_solve, _set_post_solve, doc="""Two shapes are touching and their collision response has been processed. ``func(arbiter, space, data)`` You can retrieve the collision impulse or kinetic energy at this time if you want to use it to calculate sound volumes or damage amounts. See Arbiter for more info. """, ) def _set_separate(self, func: _CollisionCallbackNoReturn) -> None: self._separate = func self._handler.separateFunc = lib.ext_cpCollisionSeparateFunc def _get_separate(self) -> Optional[_CollisionCallbackNoReturn]: return self._separate separate = property( _get_separate, _set_separate, doc="""Two shapes have just stopped touching for the first time this step. ``func(arbiter, space, data)`` To ensure that begin()/separate() are always called in balanced pairs, it will also be called when removing a shape while its in contact with something or when de-allocating the space. """, )